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Traducere în limba română
ability substantiv
1. capacitate, posibilităţi, resurse; plural talente, daruri, dăruire, aptitudine, înzestrare;
to the best of one's ability / abilities cât mai bine posibil; după putinţă, pe măsura posibilităţilor.
2. dibăcie, îndemânare; iscusinţă, abilitate.
3. inteligenţă, deşteptăciune; facultăţi mintale;
he is a man of ability este un om deştept / capabil / înzestrat.
4. mijloace băneşti, stare, avere.
5. tărie, putere.
6. (ec.) solvabilitate.
7. (jur.) competenţă; capacitate legală.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
The results confirm, for the first time, the ability of NM-MRI to measure regional concentrations of neuromelanin.
(Neuromelanin-sensitive MRI identified as a potential biomarker for psychosis, National Institutes of Health)
Jupiter will join Pluto and Saturn, already in your sixth house of health, and those two planets have been testing your ability to become strong and healthy for several years.
(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)
Having the ability to develop into more than one cell type of the body.
(Multipotent, Editura Global Info)
I do not claim higher ability, sir.
(Rodney Stone, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
All that English abilities can do has been tried already.
(Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)
Birth, abilities, and education, had been equally marking one as an associate for her, to be received with gratitude; and the other—what was she?
(Emma, de Jane Austen)
They would rather NOT have a man of Mr. Micawber's abilities.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
His abilities in every respect improve as much upon acquaintance as his manners and person.
(Sense and Sensibility, de Jane Austen)
She loved Anne better than she loved her own abilities; and when the awkwardness of the beginning was over, found little hardship in attaching herself as a mother to the man who was securing the happiness of her other child.
(Persuasion, de Jane Austen)
The ability to recognize hand poses, for instance, will make it possible for people to interact with computers in new and more natural ways, such as communicating with computers simply by pointing at things.
(Computer that Reads Body Language, Editura Global Info)