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Traducere în limba română

beset past şi part. trec. beset verb tranzitiv

1. a pune, a aranja, a potrivi.

2. a înconjura, a împresura, a asedia; a asalta, a bloca, a ocupa.

3. (fig.) a asalta, a copleşi, a bombarda;

to beset with questions a asalta / a copleşi cu întrebări;

beset with cares copleşit de griji.

4. a bloca, a bara (drumul);

the undertaking is beset with danger este o întreprindere plină de primejdii;

the ship was beset vasul era prins de gheţuri.

5. (arhit.) a ornamenta.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

I know all up to a certain point; and I see already, though your diary only took me to 7 September, how poor Lucy was beset, and how her terrible doom was being wrought out.

(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)

But I thought—I implore you to remember the narrow construction which has been my besetting sin—that, in a case where there was so much disparity in point of years—

(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)

Oh, how we are beset!

(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)