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bobbed adjectiv
(despre păr) tuns / tăiat scurt / băieţeşte.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
She bobbed a frightened curtsey as Sir Nigel swept his velvet hat from his head and reined up his great charger.
(The White Company, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
We bobbed and grinned in front of each other.
(The Lost World, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
Hove to under this short canvas, our decks were comparatively free of water, while the Ghost bobbed and ducked amongst the combers like a cork.
(The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)
With many thanks, they said good night and crept in, hoping to disturb no one, but the instant their door creaked, two little nightcaps bobbed up, and two sleepy but eager voices cried out...
(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)
He hopped and bobbed clumsily along on his injured ankle, throwing stones and screaming hoarsely at times; at other times hopping and bobbing silently along, picking himself up grimly and patiently when he fell, or rubbing his eyes with his hand when the giddiness threatened to overpower him.
(Love of Life and Other Stories, de Jack London)
On the other throne there was perched bolt upright, with prim demeanor, as though he felt himself to be upon his good behavior, a little, round, pippin faced person, who smiled and bobbed to every one whose eye he chanced to meet.
(The White Company, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)