Dicţionar englez-român


Pronunție (USA): Play  (GB): Play

Traducere în limba română

by I. prepoziție

1. (chiar) lângă, alături de, foarte aproape de; la; în preajma (cu gen.);

by the door lângă uşă;

he was sitting by me şedea lângă mine;

by his side lângă el, în alături de el;

2. pe lângă; prin, pe la; pe, în;

we passed by the school am trecut pe lângă şcoală;

he came by Oxford a venit prin Oxford;

by the footpath pe cărare, pe potecă;

by sea pe mare, cu vaporul;

by land pe uscat.

3. cu, pe;

we had to go by train a trebuit să mergem cu trenul;

by air cu avionul;

by bus cu autobuzul;

by the steamer cu vaporul;

by airmail cu poşta aeriană.

4. (cu un pronume refl., intraductibil);

she lives by herself trăieşte singură.

5. în timpul;

they travelled by night au călătorit noaptea.

6. la;

by sunlight la lumina soarelui;

by the light of the lamp la lumina lămpii.

7. cu;

to be paid by the hour a fi plătit cu ora;

by the dozen cu duzina;

to sell by the pound a vinde cu livra;

by so much more cu atât mai mult;

he is my senior by two years este mai mare cu doi ani decât mine.

8. (temporal) pe la, în jurul; spre, către;

I came back by five m-am întors pe la cinci;

by the end of the week spre sfârşitul săptămânii;

by this time între timp.

9. (temporal) până;

it will be ready by the time you come back va fi gata până când te întorci;

I need it by Monday am nevoie de el / îmi trebuie până luni (cel mai târziu).

10. cu, de; câte; pe;

day by day zi de zi;

step by step pas cu pas;

little by little puţin câte puţin;

one by one unul câte unul;

by twos and threes câte doi şi (câte) trei;

by turns pe rând; cu schimbul.

11. după; potrivit (cu dat.);

what time is it by your watch? ce oră este după ceasul dumitale?;

by the sun după soare;

by the doctor’s advice după sfatul doctorului.

12. de (către);

a play by Shakespeare o piesă de Shakespeare;

it was written by him a fost scrisă de el;

struck by lightning lovit de trăsnet, trăsnit;

forbidden by law oprit de lege.

13. după, din; prin;

I know him by sight îl ştiu din vedere;

by hearsay din auzite;

by birth prin naştere;

to quote by memory a cita din memorie;

by chance din întâmplare;

to speak by an interpreter a vorbi printr-un tâlmaci / interpret;

he plays by ear cântă după ureche;

by nature din fire;

it is your friend by his voice după voce este prietenul tău.

14. pe;

(înv.) by Jove Jupiter! pe legea mea! zău!;

by my honour! pe cinstea mea! pe onoarea mea!

by no means în nici un caz, cu nici un chip;

by the way apropo, printre altele; ia stai;

by means of cu ajutorul (cu gen.); prin (mijlocirea);

by reason of din cauza (cu gen.), datorită (cu dat.);

by dint / virtue of în virtutea (cu gen.);

by way of a) prin, via; b) datorită (cu dat.), în urma (cu gen.), din cauza (cu gen.); în virtutea (cu gen.); c) ca, în chip de.

by II. adverb

1. aproape, alături, în preajmă, în apropiere;

close / near / hard by foarte aproape, (chiar) alături;

there was no other person by nu mai era nimeni în preajmă.

2. alături, de o parte, la o parte;

to lay by a pune de o parte.

3. pe alături; (despre vreme)

to pass by a trece, a se scurge.

by and by a) curând (după aceea); b) treptat, încetul cu încetul;

by and large în general (vorbind);

by the by(e) apropo, fiindcă veni vorba.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

The cook, who was called “the doctor” by the crew, “Tommy” by the hunters, and “Cooky” by Wolf Larsen, was a changed person.

(The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)

During the time I was eating it the Count asked me many questions as to my journey, and I told him by degrees all I had experienced.

(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)

“A pair, by the sound,” said he.

(The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

He had never been struck by a club in his life, and did not understand.

(The Call of the Wild, de Jack London)

On December 15, we have a very rare day involving Jupiter and Uranus that will take years to happen again, and by then, both planets will be in different signs.

(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)

Dorothy could not see at all, but Toto could, for some dogs see very well in the dark; and the Scarecrow declared he could see as well as by day.

(The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, de L. Frank Baum)

Away went the horse full gallop; and before Hans knew what he was about, he was thrown off, and lay on his back by the road-side.

(Fairy Tales, de The Brothers Grimm)

It could be not so much the chocolate by itself, but chocolate in conjunction with, let’s say, whole grain or exercise or not smoking—the pattern of the lifestyle habit in general.

(Can Chocolate Really Be Good for You?, Editura Global Info)

My dear Watson, you would confer a great favour upon me by coming.

(The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

He felt that she had become remoter from him by at least a million miles.

(Martin Eden, de Jack London)