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Traducere în limba română

chew I. verb A. tranzitiv

a mesteca; a rumega;

(fig.) to chew the cud a) a repeta într-una; b) a cugeta, a medita, a cloci, a întoarce lucrurile pe o faţă şi pe alta;

(sl. fig.) to chew the fat / rag a) a bate capul (cuiva), a cicăli; a bombăni, a ciocăni, a pisa; b) a strâmba din nas la toate, a nu-i fi nimic pe plac.

chew I. verb B. intranzitiv

1. a amesteca; a rumega.

2. (on, upon) a medita, a cugeta, a chibzui, a se gândi (la).

chew II. substantiv

1. rumegare, mestecare, mestecat.

2. tutun de mestecat.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

Chewing tobacco contains nicotine and many harmful, cancer-causing chemicals.

(Chewing tobacco, NCI Dictionary)

You move it when you talk or chew.

(Jaw Injuries and Disorders, NIH)

In the mouth the water melts away and the seed chews sharp and bitter.

(Love of Life and Other Stories, de Jack London)

He got hold toward the base where the neck comes out from the shoulders; but he did not know the chewing method of fighting, nor were his jaws adapted to it.

(White Fang, de Jack London)

"Jes' because he couldn't chew himself loose, he chews Spanker loose."

(White Fang, de Jack London)