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Traducere în limba română
clump I. substantiv
1. bulgăre de pământ; cocoloş; humă.
2. bucată fără formă; grămadă; teanc; maldăr; pâlc, grup, mănunchi (mai ales de arbori); desiş, crâng, ciritel.
3. bloc, stivă (de lemne); butuc, buştean.
4. talpă dublă.
5. tropăit, bocănit.
clump II. verb A. tranzitiv
1. a aşeza în grupe.
2. a pune talpă dublă (la ghete, cizme etc.).
clump II. verb B. intranzitiv
a tropăi, a bocăni.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
The results showed the galaxies with hidden black holes are more clumped together than those of the exposed black holes.
(NASA's WISE findings poke hole in black hole 'Doughnut' theory, NASA)
The microbes also clumped together in the presence of beta-amyloid.
(Alzheimer’s protein may have natural antibiotic role, NIH)
A measurement of white blood cell clumps in a biological specimen.
(Leukocyte Cell Clumps Measurement, NCI Thesaurus/CDISC)
And yonder dark clump is the Castle of Villefranche.
(The White Company, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
At such times we plunged into the nearest clump of bushes and lay still until the sound had passed away.
(The Lost World, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
The determination of the amount of platelet clumps present in a sample.
(Platelet Clumps Count, NCI Thesaurus)
A substance found in plants that causes red blood cells to clump together and certain white blood cells to divide.
(Phytohemagglutinin, NCI Dictionary)
A measurement of the platelet clumps in a biological specimen.
(Platelet Clumps Count, NCI Thesaurus/CDISC)
As he spoke, a woman’s shrill scream—a scream which vibrated with a frenzy of horror—burst from the thick, green clump of bushes in front of us.
(The Return of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
These include being part of a molecular pathway connected to tau that, in the absence of sufficient NO, can modify tau protein in a way that causes it to clump together to form aggregates.
(Pathogenic tau and cognitive impairment are precipitated by a high-salt diet, National Institutes of Health)