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Traducere în limba română
concerned adjectiv
1. (with, in, about) interesat, preocupat (de); (to) interesat (să);
the parties concerned părţile interesate;
for all concerned pentru toţi cei interesaţi, pentru toţi cei vizaţi; aviz amatorilor;
he is concerned in the problem pe el îl interesează problema;
I am not concerned with going there / to go there n-am nici un interes să mă duc acolo.
2. (at, for) preocupat, îngrijorat, neliniştit (de);
she has a concerned air are un aer preocupat; e îngândurată, e preocupată;
I am very concerned at his behaviour mă nelinişteşte purtarea lui, comportarea lui mă îngrijorează;
I am concerned for his safety mi-e grijă de soarta lui, nu prea sunt liniştit în privinţa lui.
3. (at, for, about) indispus, mâhnit, întristat (de);
he was very much concerned for her death l-a întristat foarte mult moartea ei;
he seems concerned about it pare foarte trist din această pricină;
I am very concerned to hear that îmi pare foarte rău de ceea ce aud.
4. implicat, amestecat;
he is not concerned in that business n-are nimic comun cu această poveste, n-are nimic de a face cu asta, nu e amestecat cu nimic în povestea asta;
I am not concerned nu mă priveşte (pe mine), (mie) puţin îmi pasă.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
Or you may be concerned about one of your children and will need to address something that came up.
(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)
But Martin was not concerned with appearances!
(Martin Eden, de Jack London)
I was now concerned with fear for myself.
(The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)
He is, I fear, much concerned, but says he must think.
(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)
It was my father who was really concerned.
(The Return of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
The disciplines concerned with the study of the nervous system.
(Neurosciences, NCI Thesaurus)
He admitted that there was something, and that it was concerned with his official life. ‘It is too serious for me to speak about, even to you,’ said he.
(His Last Bow, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
Terminology for the test names concerned with the measurement of body mass.
(CDISC SEND Body Weight Test Name Terminology, NCI Thesaurus/CDISC)
Terminology for the test codes concerned with the circumstance or condition that results in the death of a living being.
(CDISC SEND Death Diagnosis Test Code Terminology, NCI Thesaurus/CDISC)
Terminology for the test names concerned with the circumstance or condition that results in the death of a living being.
(CDISC SEND Death Diagnosis Test Name Terminology, NCI Thesaurus/CDISC)