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cooking utensils substantiv

plural ustensile sau vase de bucătărie.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

As I rounded the galley, a new satisfaction was mine at thought of all the splendid cooking utensils inside.

(The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)

There are four basic steps to food safety at home: • Clean - always wash your food, hands, counters, and cooking utensils. • Separate - keep raw foods to themselves. Germs can spread from one food to another. • Cook - foods need to get hot and stay hot. Heat kills germs. • Chill - put fresh food in the refrigerator right away.

(Food Safety, United States Department of Agriculture)

This bureau stood in the corner, and in the opposite corner, on the table's other flank, was the kitchen—the oil-stove on a dry-goods box, inside of which were dishes and cooking utensils, a shelf on the wall for provisions, and a bucket of water on the floor.

(Martin Eden, de Jack London)

The tent, illumined by a candle, glowed warmly in the midst of the white plain; and when he, as a matter of course, entered it, both Perrault and François bombarded him with curses and cooking utensils, till he recovered from his consternation and fled ignominiously into the outer cold.

(The Call of the Wild, de Jack London)

To be cast away on an island had not entered into my calculations, so we were without a kettle or cooking utensils of any sort; but I made shift with the tin used for bailing the boat, and later, as we consumed our supply of canned goods, we accumulated quite an imposing array of cooking vessels.

(The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)