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Traducere în limba română

dashing adjectiv

1. elegant; gătit, arătos; chipeş, dichisit, care vrea să facă impresie, care pozează

2. îndrăzneţ, cutezător, impetuos, focos, iute, aprig.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

She had heard the cry of her cub and was dashing to save him.

(White Fang, de Jack London)

Twice ere they reached open ground they had to break their way through small bodies of horses, and once there came a whistle of arrows and singing of stones about their ears; but, still dashing onwards, they shot out from among the tents and found their own comrades retreating for the mountains at no very great distance from them.

(The White Company, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

As to Mrs. Gummidge, if I were to endeavour to describe how she ran down the street by the side of the coach, seeing nothing but Mr. Peggotty on the roof, through the tears she tried to repress, and dashing herself against the people who were coming in the opposite direction, I should enter on a task of some difficulty.

(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)