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Traducere în limba română

deaf adjectiv

1. surd; tare de ureche;

(as) deaf as an adder / a beetle / a stone / a post surd de tot, surd de-a binelea;

to be deaf in one ear a fi surd de o ureche;

deaf and dumb surdo-mut;

born deaf surd din naştere;

(prov.) none so deaf as those that won’t hear mai surd decât cel care n-aude e cel care nu vrea să audă;

to turn a deaf ear to a nu vrea să audă de, a nu vrea să asculte la.

2. (fig.) surd; nesimţitor; impasibil;

he was deaf to all arguments era surd la toate argumentele.

3. (fig.) (with) asurzit (de; din cauza, cu gen.)

4. (despre pământ) sterp, neroditor; (despre nuci etc.) gol, găunos.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

However, she will not find her grandmama at all deafer than she was two years ago; which is saying a great deal at my mother's time of life—and it really is full two years, you know, since she was here.

(Emma, de Jane Austen)