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Traducere în limba română
dim I. adjectiv
1. întunecat, obscur, întunecos; ceţos, voalat, nedesluşit; slab, palid; mat, opac, neclar;
a dim room o cameră întunecoasă / slab luminată;
by the dim light of a candle la lumina slabă a unei lumânări.
2. (despre sunete) slab, nedesluşit, neclar, stins.
3. (despre vedere) slab, redus, miop.
4. (despre idei, amintlri etc.) neclar, confuz, nedesluşit, tulbure; vag.
5. (despre culori) fără lustru, şters, spălăcit.
6. (despre inscripţii etc.) şters, greu de citit / de descifrat.
7. tainic, misterios.
8. posomorât, sumbru, melancolic.
dim II. verb A. tranzitiv
a întuneca, a înnegura; a lua strălucirea, a umbri, a eclipsa; (metal.) a depolisa.
2. (fig.) a întuneca, a micşora, a potoli.
3. to dim out a camufla parţial
dim II. verb B. intranzitiv
1. a se întuneca, a se înnegura
2. (fig.) a se întuneca; a se micşora, a se potoli.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
“Surely that is Baker Street,” I answered, staring through the dim window.
(The Return of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
But The Hornet's light had begun to dim long before Martin was born.
(Martin Eden, de Jack London)
All else grows dim, and fades away.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
Lord Avon sank his face in his hands, and for a few moments there was silence in the dim grey room.
(Rodney Stone, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
Samkin, lad, the eye grows dim and the hand less firm as the years pass.
(The White Company, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
Everything seemed very strange when they went down, so dim and still outside, so full of light and bustle within.
(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)
In February, TESS cameras caught the star dimming slightly every 3.9 days, revealing the presence of a transiting exoplanet — a world beyond our solar system — that passes across the face of its star during every orbit and briefly dims the star’s light.
(Confirmation of Toasty TESS Planet Leads to Surprising Find of Promising World, NASA)
The telescope's camera detected a periodic dimming of the light emitted by the planet's host star, a sign that an orbiting planet could be regularly passing in front of the star and blocking the light.
(NASA's K2 Finds Newborn Exoplanet Around Young Star, NASA)
I am extremely glad, indeed, cried Anne, particularly glad that this should happen; and that of two sisters, who both deserve equally well, and who have always been such good friends, the pleasant prospect of one should not be dimming those of the other—that they should be so equal in their prosperity and comfort.
(Persuasion, de Jane Austen)
One of the most mysterious stellar objects, called KIC 8462852, also known as Boyajian's Star, or Tabby's Star, has experienced unusual dips in brightness — NASA's Kepler space telescope even observed dimming of up to 20 percent over a matter of days.
(Mysterious Dimming of Tabby's Star May Be Caused by Dust, NASA)