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Traducere în limba română

disturbance substantiv

1. tulburare (a liniştei, odihnei etc.), agitaţie, dezordine; frământare, tumult;

to make / to create / to raise a disturbance a tulbura ordinea publică; a face larmă / zgomot.

2. emoţie, nelinişte, îngrijorare, enervare.

3. defectare, deteriorare.

4. (geol.) dislocare; discontinuitate stratigrafică.

5. perturbaţie, tulburare, deviere (a busolei, atmosferică etc.);

disturbance of broadcast reception tulburare a recepţiei radiofonice.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

Disturbance, impairment or abnormality of function.

(Dysfunction, NCI Thesaurus)

When the developing brain was exposed to lower than normal rates of oxygen for as short as 25 minutes, subplate neurons showed major long-term disturbances just one month following exposure.

(Lack of Oxygen, Not Blood Flow, Delays Brain Maturation in Preterm Infants, Editura Global Info)

That Miss Flora Millar, the lady who had caused the disturbance, has actually been arrested.

(The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

We stopped our carriage, and got down so that there might be no disturbance.

(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)

I shut the door after him, that it might cause no disturbance of the quiet that prevailed; and when I turned back, I found Mr. Peggotty still talking to her.

(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)

Maria felt her triumph, and pursued her purpose, careless of Julia; and Julia could never see Maria distinguished by Henry Crawford without trusting that it would create jealousy, and bring a public disturbance at last.

(Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)

A disruption or disturbance.

(Disruption, NCI Dictionary)

It leads to vision disturbances.

(Optic Atrophy, NCI Thesaurus)

Mr. Micawber's answer expressed the disturbance of his mind.

(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)

Now a new study finds that major disturbances are actually caused by low oxygen.

(Lack of Oxygen, Not Blood Flow, Delays Brain Maturation in Preterm Infants, Editura Global Info)