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Traducere în limba română

dye I. substantiv

1. vopsea; boia; pigment; materie colorantă, substanţă colorantă, colorant, baiţ.

2. culoare; nuanţă, tentă;

(fig.) scoundrel of the deepest dye ticălos de cea mai josnică speţă.

dye II. part. prez. dyeing verb A. tranzitiv

a vopsi, a colora, a boi;

dyed in the wool sau dyed in grain a) ţesut din lână colorată; îmbibat puternic cu vopsea; b) solid, trainic, durabil;

(fig.) dyed-in-the wool Tory reacţionar îndărătnic / înrăit;

to dye smth. red a vopsi ceva în roşu.

dye II. part. prez. dyeing verb B. intranzitiv

a se colora, a se vopsi; a prinde vopseaua;

it dyes well prinde bine vopseaua.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

Once inside the cell, the dye binds to DNA.

(Monomeric Cyanine Dye, NCI Thesaurus)

In some experiments, they showed that they could precisely map circuits by using the implant to inject viruses that label cells with genetic dyes.

(Futuristic brain probe allows for wireless control of neurons, NIH)

To look for the vessels, the team used MRI to scan the brains of five healthy volunteers who had been injected with gadobutrol, a magnetic dye typically used to visualize brain blood vessels damaged by diseases, such as multiple sclerosis or cancer.

(NIH researchers uncover drain pipes in our brains, National Institutes of Health)

A pink to yellow colored, liquid, aromatic amine with an amine-like odor that emits toxic fumes of nitrogen oxide when heated to decomposition. o-Anisidine hydrochloride is used in industry as a chemical intermediate in the production of dyes and pharmaceuticals.

(o-Anisidine Hydrochloride, NCI Thesaurus)