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Eastern Europe substantiv

Europa răsăriteană, răsăritul Europei.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

A country in Eastern Europe, bordering the Baltic Sea, between Estonia and Lithuania.

(Latvia, NCI Thesaurus/CDISC)

A country in Eastern Europe, bordering the Baltic Sea, between Latvia and Russia.

(Lithuania, NCI Thesaurus/CDISC)

A country in Eastern Europe, northeast of Romania.

(Moldova, Republic of, NCI Thesaurus/CDISC)

Denotes a person having origins in any of the countries of Eastern Europe such as Czechoslovakia, Poland, Croatia, Hungary, Slovenia, Former Soviet Union, or Finland.

(Eastern European, NCI Thesaurus)

The ancestors of Ashkenazi Jews lived in Central and Eastern Europe (e.g., Germany, Poland, Russia).

(Ashkenazi Jews, NCI Dictionary)

As in Spain, the rate was affected by incoming workforce migration from Eastern Europe.

(Is the Global Crisis Triggering Basic Instincts?, BOGDAN FLORIN PAUL)

Ashkenazi Jews, also called Ashkenazim, are Jews who are descendants of Jews from Germany, Poland, Austria and Eastern Europe.

(Ashkenazi Jew, NCI Thesaurus)

One of two major ancestral groups of Jewish individuals, comprised of those whose ancestors lived in Eastern Europe (Germany, Poland, Russia).

(Ashkenazi Jew, NCI Dictionary)

Friend Arthur, if you had met that kiss which you know of before poor Lucy die; or again, last night when you open your arms to her, you would in time, when you had died, have become nosferatu, as they call it in Eastern Europe, and would all time make more of those Un-Deads that so have fill us with horror.

(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)