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Traducere în limba română
excepting prepoziție
exceptând, cu excepţia (cu gen.).
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
He was going, and, if not voluntarily going, voluntarily intending to stay away; for, excepting what might be due to his uncle, his engagements were all self-imposed.
(Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)
Excepting inequality of fortune, and perhaps a little disparity of age, I can see nothing unsuitable.
(Emma, de Jane Austen)
He defended himself; though professing that he would never willingly admit any ladies on board a ship of his, excepting for a ball, or a visit, which a few hours might comprehend.
(Persuasion, de Jane Austen)
He'll talk Nietzsche, or Schopenhauer, or Kant, or anything, but the only thing in this world, not excepting Mary, that he really cares for, is his monism.
(Martin Eden, de Jack London)
The white, opaque, fibrous, outer tunic of the eyeball, covering it entirely excepting the segment covered anteriorly by the cornea.
(Murine Sclera, NCI Thesaurus)
The bottle of whiskey—a second one—was now in constant demand by all present, excepting Catherine who "felt just as good on nothing at all."
(The Great Gatsby, de F. Scott Fitzgerald)
“Forgive my not excepting you, my dear, at first.”
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
The man at the helm was watching the luff of the sail and whistling away gently to himself, and that was the only sound excepting the swish of the sea against the bows and around the sides of the ship.
(Treasure Island, de Robert Louis Stevenson)
Every thing in her household arrangements was conducted on the most liberal plan, and excepting a few old city friends, whom, to Lady Middleton's regret, she had never dropped, she visited no one to whom an introduction could at all discompose the feelings of her young companions.
(Sense and Sensibility, de Jane Austen)
They insist also on my seeing Mr. Jones—therefore do not be alarmed if you should hear of his having been to me—and, excepting a sore throat and headache, there is not much the matter with me.
(Pride and Prejudice, de Jane Austen)