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Traducere în limba română
farthest superl. de la far. I. adjectiv
cel mai (în)depărtat;
at (the) farthest a) cel mai departe; b) cel mai mult; c) cel mai târziu.
farthest superl. de la far. II. adverb
cel mai departe.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
It is the idea farthest from my thoughts.
(Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)
And as to conceit, he is the farthest from it of any man I know.
(Emma, de Jane Austen)
Its four planets differ greatly in their orbits: the closest (the hot Jupiter) is within the equivalent of the orbit of Mercury, while the farthest orbits at a distance more than three times greater than that of Neptune.
(Giant planets around young star raise questions about how planets form, University of Cambridge)
The latter lay farthest in, and she was covered with a white sheet, the edge of which had been blown back by the draught through the broken window, showing the drawn, white face, with a look of terror fixed upon it.
(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)
The sewing-machine, of the hand type, leaves a similar mark, but only on the left arm, and on the side of it farthest from the thumb, instead of being right across the broadest part, as this was.
(The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
I think, now, how odd it was, but how wonderfully like Mr. Micawber, that, when he went from London to Canterbury, he should have talked as if he were going to the farthest limits of the earth; and, when he went from England to Australia, as if he were going for a little trip across the channel.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
Suddenly, as I turned round, I thought I saw something like a white streak, moving between two dark yew-trees at the side of the churchyard farthest from the tomb; at the same time a dark mass moved from the Professor's side of the ground, and hurriedly went towards it.
(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)