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Traducere în limba română

fluid I. adjectiv

1. lichid, fluid;

(electr.) single fluid cell (baterie cu) element unic lichid.

2. (despre stil, discursuri etc.) curgător, fluid; elegant.

3. (despre opinii) nestatornic, schimbător.

fluid II. substantiv

1. fluid, lichid; mediu lichid;

(med.) body fluids umori, secreţii.

2. benzină de brichetă.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

The scientists examined layers of tissue, known as meninges, that cover the brain and contain blood vessels and cerebrospinal fluid.

(Lymphatic Vessels Discovered in Central Nervous System, NIH)

The body fluid.

(Murine Cerebrospinal Fluid, NCI Thesaurus/MTH)

The team built on previous work, in which they identified more than 130 proteins that differed between fluid samples collected from patients with prostate-confined tumors and those with tumors that had spread beyond the gland.

(Biomarker Signatures of Prostate Cancer, NIH)

The molecules and compounds such as nutrients and growth factors in the fluid surrounding a cell in an organism or in the laboratory, which play an important role in determining the characteristics of the cell.

(Microenvironment, Editura Global Info)

Administration through hemodialysate fluid.

(Administration via Hemodialysis, Food and Drug Administration/CDISC)