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Traducere în limba română

flurry I. substantiv

1. vânt iute; pală (de vânt), volbură; (amer.) rafală, aversă; ploaie cu ninsoare (neaşteptată);

(fig.) flurry of arrows grindină de săgeţi.

2. (fig.) agitaţie, mişcare, freamăt, tulburare;

(amer.) flurry on the stock exchange înviorare la bursă.

3. zvârcolire de moarte (a unei balene).

flurry II. verb tranzitiv

a zăpăci, a tulbura (cu zgomotul sau graba).

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

We had a flurry getting the old lady off, and I had a fright every time she spoke to me, for I was in such a hurry to be through that I was uncommonly helpful and sweet, and feared she'd find it impossible to part from me.

(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)

I don't know anything about them, thought Beth, and forgetting the boy's misfortune in her flurry, she said, hoping to make him talk, "I never saw any hunting, but I suppose you know all about it."

(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)