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Traducere în limba română

gig1 I. s.

1. cabrioletă, faeton, docar cu două roate.

2. (mar.) barcă foarte uşoară cu lopeţi; gig.

3. macara, gruie.

4. (text.) maşină de scămoşat / de velurat.

5. (text.) lup.

6. desfrânată, femeie desmăţată.

7. (dial.) glumă, şagă, veselie; dans.

gig1 II. verb A. intranzitiv

a scămoşa postavul (cu maşina de scămoşat).

gig1 II. verb B. tranzitiv

a mişca uşor, a mişca repede.

gig2 I. s.

1. harpon, suliţă (a eschimoşilor) pentru vânătoarea animalelor acvatice.

2. harpon, proiectil al tunului balenierelor.

gig2 II. verb tranzitiv

a pescui cu harponul.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

A turn ashore'll hurt nobody—the boats are still in the water; you can take the gigs, and as many as please may go ashore for the afternoon.

(Treasure Island, de Robert Louis Stevenson)

You do not really think, Mr. Thorpe, said Catherine, venturing after some time to consider the matter as entirely decided, and to offer some little variation on the subject, that James's gig will break down?

(Northanger Abbey, de Jane Austen)

Alongside lay one of the gigs, Silver in the stern-sheets—him I could always recognize—while a couple of men were leaning over the stern bulwarks, one of them with a red cap—the very rogue that I had seen some hours before stride-legs upon the palisade.

(Treasure Island, de Robert Louis Stevenson)

Away, near the mouth of the river, a great fire was glowing among the trees, and between that point and the ship one of the gigs kept coming and going, the men, whom I had seen so gloomy, shouting at the oars like children.

(Treasure Island, de Robert Louis Stevenson)