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Pronunție (USA): Play  (GB): Play

Traducere în limba română

grope verb A. intranzitiv

1. a dibui, a orbecăi, a bâjbâi (după);

he is groping in the dark bâjbâie în întuneric.

2. to grope after / for a bâjbâi (în căutarea);

to grope in a intra pe dibuite;

to grope out a ieşi pe dibuite.

grope verb B. tranzitiv

a pipăi; a sonda; a tatona; a căuta;

to grope a hen a căuta o găină de ou.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

What he wanted was life as it was, with all its spirit-groping and soul-reaching left in.

(Martin Eden, de Jack London)

He groped; I arrested his wandering hand, and prisoned it in both mine.

(Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)

I was so sorry for my mother's distress; but I groped my way out, and groped my way up to my room in the dark, without even having the heart to say good night to Peggotty, or to get a candle from her.

(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)

I groped on.

(Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)

"Here, dearis." She groped around in a waste-basket she had with her on the bed and pulled out the string of pearls. "Take 'em downstairs and give 'em back to whoever they belong to. Tell 'em all Daisy's change' her mine. Say 'Daisy's change' her mine!'."

(The Great Gatsby, de F. Scott Fitzgerald)