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Traducere în limba română

gross I. adjectiv

1. mare, voluminos.

2. gras, burtos; obez;

gross habit of body corpolenţă.

3. (despre vegetaţie) bogat, abundent, luxuriant.

4. (despre aer) dens, impur.

5. maşcat, urluit, măcinat, grosolan.

6. (despre hrană) ordinar, prost.

7. grosolan, ordinar, indecent, vulgar, necuviincios, murdar; porcos;

gross story anecdotă porcoasă / fără perdea.

8. greoi, prost.

9. (despre minciuni, greşeli etc) izbitor, înveterat, evident;

gross dereliction of duty neglijenţă vădită;

a gross error o greşeală grosolană.

10. (despre venit, valoare etc.) global, brut, total.

11. macroscopic.

gross II. substantiv

1. gros, cantitate mare;

by / in the gross angro, cu ridicata, cu toptanul.

2. (com.) (şi small gross) 12 duzini, 144;

great gross măsură echivalentă cu de doisprezece ori; douăsprezece duzini, 1728.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

It was too gross a thought for her.

(Martin Eden, de Jack London)

Then, with a sudden sweep across the strings, he broke out into a song so gross and so foul that ere he had finished a verse the pure-minded lad sprang to his feet with the blood tingling in his face.

(The White Company, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

This must be the grossest falsehood!—and when she had gone through the whole letter, though scarcely knowing anything of the last page or two, put it hastily away, protesting that she would not regard it, that she would never look in it again.

(Pride and Prejudice, de Jane Austen)