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Traducere în limba română

immunological adjectiv

imunologic, (care ţine) de imunologie.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

Amphibians can acquire immunological resistance that overcomes chytrid-induced immunosuppression and increases survival.

(Amphibians can acquire resistance to deadly fungus, NSF)

The unitage assigned by the WHO to International Biological Standards - substances, classed as biological according to the criteria provided by WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization (e.g. hormones, enzymes, and vaccines), to enable the results of biological and immunological assay procedures to be expressed in the same way throughout the world.

(International Unit, NCI Thesaurus)

Researchers have suspected for some time that allergens can trigger certain immunological changes that might be associated with plaque buildup and artery blockages, but no one had identified a specific substance that is responsible for this effect.

(Researchers have found a link between allergen in red meat and heart disease, National Institutes of Health)