Dicţionar englez-român


Traducere în limba română

impact I. substantiv

1. lovitură, izbitură, impuls.

2. ciocnire, colizi(un)e, şoc.

3. loc unde se dă lovitura.

4. impact, ricoşare.

5. (fig.) influenţă, înrâurire.

impact II. verb tranzitiv

a strânge îndeaproape, a presa; a întări, a consolida.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

Testing the device for its affect or impact on the blood or its components.

(Device Hematologic Testing Evaluation Method, Food and Drug Administration)

The results showed that four coastal species were able to absorb the impacts of storms across a wide range of severity.

(Coastal birds can weather the storm, but not the sea, National Science Foundation)

The research found that well-being benefits derived from eating more fruit and vegetables were much higher for women than men, and that solely eating fruit had a greater impact on overall mental health than eating vegetables.

(Fruit and veggies pave the road to happiness, Editura Global Info)