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Traducere în limba română

indicator substantiv

1. persoană care indică ceva.

2. indicator de direcţii.

3. (tehn.) ac, limbă (de barometru etc.).

4. (tehn.) aparat indicator (de presiune, de viteză, de direcţie etc.); contor;

speed indicator vitezometru.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

Note that this means that this indicator will be derived differently for each study.

(Performed Medical Condition Result Medical History Indicator, NCI Thesaurus/BRIDG)

The fact the deposits were found on central peaks is a good indicator that they have an impact origin.

(NASA Spacecraft Detects Impact Glass on Surface of Mars, NASA)

Participants who passed food challenges also had lower initial levels of allergic antibodies to peanut protein and other indicators of allergic activity in the blood.

(Few people with peanut allergy tolerate peanut after stopping oral immunotherapy, National Institutes of Health)

Currently, life-long diabetes is not considered to be a risk factor for or indicator of pancreatic cancer.

(New Approach to Pancreatic Cancer Screening May Help Catch Disease Earlier, Editura Global Info)

In the absence of direct detection of a pathogen, antibody evidence of pathogen exposure within the central nervous system can be an important indicator of the underlying cause of disease.

(Enterovirus antibodies detected in acute flaccid myelitis patients, National Institutes of Health)

If so, it may be a useful indicator of disease risk.

(Older biologic age linked to elevated breast cancer risk, National Institutes of Health)

The Nutrition Shared Resource provides Cancer Center investigators with support in dietary and nutritional assessment and monitoring, including quantitative measurements of biochemical indicators of diet and other biomarkers in blood and other biological samples, for research that address nutritional or dietary factors in cancer prevention and treatment.

(Nutrition Shared Resource, NCI Thesaurus)