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Traducere în limba română
inheritance substantiv
1. moştenire, succesiune;
linear inheritance succesiune în linie dreaptă;
right of inheritance drept de succesiune; procedură în materie de succesiune;
law of inheritance drept succesiv;
by inheritance prin moştenire.
2. moştenire, patrimoniu, proprietate moştenită;
to come into one's inheritance a intra în posesiunea unei moşteniri;
this property is a family inheritance această avere e moştenire de familie;
the common inheritance of a nation patrimoniul comun al unei naţiuni.
3. ereditate.
4. (înv.) posesiune, proprietate.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
On the second branch of the question, I will only remark, that unless I ran through that part of my inheritance while I was still a baby, I have not come into it yet.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
Both planets are associated with money, and with Venus in your eighth house of bank loans, mortgage (and re-financed mortgage), inheritance, and family support, your chances of getting the money you need for a home plan or to help a family member are excellent, so move ahead with confidence.
(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)
You may have written one or more large checks then, or received a very large sum, either as a gift, inheritance, or as a loan that you deliberately signed for prior to the year’s end.
(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)