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Traducere în limba română

initiate I. verb A. tranzitiv

1. a iniţia (o acţiune etc.); a începe, a deschide (tratative, o eră nouă); a pune începutul / bazele (unei prietenii); a lansa (o intreprindere, o modă); a lua iniţiativa (cu gen.), a introduce;

to initiate a deal a începe o afacere;

to initiate a new policy a inaugura o nouă politică;

to initiate measures a iniţia măsuri;

to initiate a reform a lua iniţiativa unei reforme;

(jur.) to initiate proceedings against smb. a deschide o- acţiune împotriva cuiva.

2. a iniţia (într-un secret), a introduce (într-o ocupaţie, artă etc.), a învăţa, a instrui.

3. a iniţia.

4. to initiate smb. into a secret society a admite pe cineva într-o societate secretă.

initiate I. verb B. intranzitiv

1. a începe.

2. a lua iniţiativa, a face primul pas.

3. a fi iniţiat, a fi admis (într-o societaie secretă).

initiate II. adjectiv

1. neobişnuit, nou.

2. (in) iniţiat (într-un secret, într-o ştiinţă), admis (într-o societate).

3. început, aflat în stadiul iniţial.

initiate III. substantiv


 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

The end of the relationship may be initiated by you, your partner, or by outside circumstances.

(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)

Cancer stem cells, also known as "tumor-initiating cells", are the only cells in the tumor that can make a new tumor.

(‘Energetic Cancer Cells’ May Be Origin of Cancer Spread, Editura Global Info)

When the B cell receptor binds to antigen, it initiates a signal through other proteins non-covalently associated with it in the B cell receptor complex, the Ig-alpha (CD79a) and Ig-beta (CD79b) chains.

(B Cell Receptor Complex Signaling Pathway, NCI Thesaurus/BIOCARTA)

In addition, binding of the IgG1 moiety of this agent to the Fc gamma receptor on the surface of natural killer (NK)cells may bridge NK cells and target T lymphocytes, initiating NK cell-mediated apoptosis of T lymphocytes.

(Alefacept, NCI Thesaurus)

Upon exposure to the tumor-associated antigens (TAA) released from dying glioma cells, which were killed by thymidine kinase-mediated valacyclovir-induced tumor cell death, the DCs initiate a specific immune response against any remaining TAA-expressing tumor cells.

(Ad-hCMV-Flt3L, NCI Thesaurus)

Currently, seasonal flu vaccines are designed to induce high levels of protective antibodies against hemagglutinin (HA), a protein found on the surface of the influenza virus that enables the virus to enter a human cell and initiate infection.

(Study finds factors that may influence influenza vaccine effectiveness, NIH)

The team also determined that one of the bNAbs, EBOV-520, recognizes and binds to a portion of virus GP in such a way that prevents it from interacting with a cell surface protein called NPC1 and initiating the infection cycle.

(Broadly acting antibodies found in plasma of Ebola survivors, National Institutes of Health)

Subsequently, the Fas-c (Fas-chimeric) death receptor, containing Fas and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor 1 (TNFR1) moieties, is expressed in angiogenic endothelial cells; endothelial cell-specific Fas-mediated apoptosis is initiated by the binding of TNF-alpha, abundant in the tumor microenvironment, to the TNFR1 moiety of the expressed Fas-c death receptor.

(Angiogenesis Inhibitor GT-111, NCI Thesaurus)

The net effect is a transient increase in protein tyrosine phosphorylation that facilitates the phosphotyrosine dependent formation of effector protein complexes, promotes targeting of effector proteins to specific microenvironments within the B cell and initiates the catalytic activation of downstream effector proteins.

(BCR Signaling Pathway, NCI Thesaurus/BIOCARTA)

BER is normally defined as DNA repair initiated by lesion-specific DNA glycosylases and completed by either of the two sub-pathways: short-patch BER where only one nucleotide is replaced and long-patch BER where 2-13 nucleotides are replaced.

(Base Excision Repair Pathway, NCI Thesaurus/KEGG)