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Traducere în limba română

interest I. substantiv (adesea pl.)

1. interes(e); avantaj(e), profit, folos, foloase; bine;

to attead to smb.’s interest a apăra interesele cuiva, a veghea asupra intereselor cuiva;

to be smb.'s interest a) a fi în interesul cuiva; b) a fi de partea cuiva;

for the best of your interest în interesul dumneavoastră, spre binele dumneavoastră;

the common interest interesul comun, binele comun;

to interfere with smb.'s interest a dăuna intereselor cuiva;

it is no interest of mine asta nu mă priveşte, n-am nimic de-a face cu asta;

it is not in your interest asta nu e în interesul dumneavoastră; asta nu vă e de nici un folos;

private interest interes privat;

to promote smb.’s interest a promova interesele cuiva;

in the public interest în interesul public, pentru binele public;

to look after one's own interests a-şi face interesele; a-şi urmări (numai) propriile interese;

to sink one's own interests a nu se gândi la propriile interese, a nu-şi apăra interesele, a-şi neglija interesele.

2. (in) interes; curiozitate; atenţie (pentru, faţă de); pasiune (pentru);

to excite smb.'s interest a trezi interesul cuiva;

to feel an interest in a se interesa de, a manifesta interes pentru;

to take (an) interest in smth. a avea grijă de ceva; a se interesa de ceva;

the book aroused great interest cartea a trezit un mare interes;

this has no interest for me asta nu mă interesează.

3. obiect care trezeşte interesul cuiva; pasiune;

music is one of his interests muzica e una din pasiunile lui;

(amer.) human interest (story) povestire senzaţională, roman senzaţional.

4. interes; importanţă, însemnătate;

a matter of no little interest o chestiune nu Iipsită de interes; o chestiune importantă.

5. (rar) interes personal, profit personal.

6. (with) influentă (asupra), trecere (pe lângă, la), putere (asupra); control (asupra);

the steel trust had interest with the city authorities trustul oţelului avea influenţă asupra autorităţilor oraşului; autorităţile oraşului erau sub controlul / la cheremul trustului oţelului;

he has interest at court el are trecere la curte;

he has lost his interest with the prince el nu se mai bucură de trecere pe lângă prinţ, el a pierdut trecerea pe care o avea la prinţ;

to bring smb. into one's interest, to obtain smb.'s interest a atrage pe cineva de partea lui, a câştiga pe cineva;

great interest was made to save him s-a făcut tot posibilul pentru salvarea lui;

to use one's (own) interest a face uz de influenţa sa.

7. (jur.) (in) interes (în); drept (asupra).

8. grup de oameni legaţi printr-un interes comun;

the landed interest proprietarii de pământuri;

the shipping interest armatorii;

the brewing interest fabricanţii de bere;

the Conservetive interest partidul conservator.

9. (com.) (in) cotă-parte; participare, sumă investită (într-o întreprindere).

10. (com.) dobândă (şi fig.);

simple interest dobândă simplă;

compound interest dobândă compusă;

rate of interest procent;

interest per annum, annual interest, yearly interest dobândă anuală;

to return with interest a întoarce cu dobândă (şi fig.);

to bear / carry / pay / yield interest a produce dobândă;

to lend at interest a da (bani) cu dobândă;

to borrow at interest a lua (bani) cu dobândă;

interest for default / delay interest on arrears dobândă de întârziere;

interest on deposit dobândă la banii depuşi / la depuneri;

interest on loan capital dobândă bancară;

interest on shares dobândă la acţiuni.

interest II. verb A. tranzitiv

(in) a interesa (în); a atrage (în); a trezi interesul (cuiva pentru).

interest II. verb B. reflexiv

(in, for) a se interesa (de).

interest II. verb C. intranzitiv

(înv.) a prezenta interes; a prezenta importanţă.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

I could see that he was interested, and I knew that as I spoke he had looked through the window and seen the man writing the letter.

(Love of Life and Other Stories, de Jack London)

Some ten or twelve, but none which present any feature of interest.

(The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

Tell me all about it, dear; tell me all about everything, for there is nothing which interests you which will not be dear to me.

(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)

As I see it, I do wrong always when I consider the interests of others.

(The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)

“Perhaps it would interest you to hear what he says.

(The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

“This is really most grati—most interesting. On what charge do you expect to be arrested?”

(The Return of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

These were old volcanic vents, and for some reason excited the greatest interest in Lord John.

(The Lost World, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

Her older sisters were very fine young ladies, and one was engaged, which was extremely interesting and romantic, Meg thought.

(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)

At present I would prefer to see you anything rather than a friend, to me, or to anyone in whom I feel an interest.

(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)

By this time he had become the centre of interest.

(White Fang, de Jack London)