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Traducere în limba română

intervention substantiv

1. (mil.) intervenţie; amestec;

intervention by arms, armed / military intervenţie armată.

2. (com.) intervention on protest protestare a unei poliţie.

3. (med.) surgical intervention intervenţie chirurgicală.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

The identification of a lesion that is not considered a target lesion but may be affected by the therapeutic intervention.

(Non-Target Lesion Identification, NCI Thesaurus)

Aid agencies could use a field version of the test for immediate information to guide policy decisions on nutritional interventions.

(Test for life-threatening nutrient deficit is made from bacteria entrails, National Science Foundation)

The identification of a tumor or site of disease that is present at baseline and not considered a target tumor, but may be part of the objective assessment of the response to the therapeutic intervention.

(Non-Target Lesion Identification, NCI Thesaurus/CDISC)

Detailed instructions were added relative to the address of a reply, which, although they betrayed the intervention of several hands, and made it difficult to arrive at any very probable conclusion in reference to her place of concealment, made it at least not unlikely that she had written from that spot where she was stated to have been seen.

(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)

A one time intervention.

(Once, NCI Thesaurus/CDISC)

The study was conducted at the Mind, Brain and Behaviour Research Centre (CIMCYC) of the UGR and shows that children who took part in the attention-training intervention programme—delivered through a digital platform—improved their intelligence scores and brain function.

(Study reveals attention training improves intelligence and brain function of children, University of Granada)

A type of study designed to identify actions necessary to eliminate or reduce the risk to human life or well-being as a result of a particular medication, treatment regimen, procedure, or any other medical intervention.

(Adverse Effect Mitigation Study, NCI Thesaurus)

Although there is much left to explore, the identification of this direct neural pathway may help explain the role of this circuit in disorders that involve reward-related and social-processing systems, such as addiction, autism, and schizophrenia, and may point to future targets for intervention and symptom management.

(New Findings Reveal Surprising Role of the Cerebellum in Reward and Social Behaviors, National Institutes of Health)

Specific metabolic changes that characterize an organism's state of health or disease, or response to a particular therapeutic intervention, and helps make diagnosis more accurate or enable physicians to make diagnosis before symptoms appear and to track disease progression.

(Metabolic Marker, NCI Thesaurus)

For this reason, a group of researchers from the University of Granada, Spain (UGR) have carried out a study to evaluate the influence of a computer-based attention-training intervention on the intelligence scores and brain functioning of a group of preschool-age children.

(Study reveals attention training improves intelligence and brain function of children, University of Granada)