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kick I. verb A. intranzitiv
1. a lovi / a da cu piciorul; a da din picioare; (despre animale) a zvârli, a arunca din picioare.
2. (despre o armă) a avea recul.
3. (despre o minge) a sări.
4. to kick about (fam.) a fi vraişte / în neorânduială;
to leave one's clothes kicking about the floor a-şi lăsa hainele vraişte pe duşumea;
to kick against / at smth. (fam) a se revolta împotriva (cu dat.); a-i repugna, a-i fi scârbă de (ceva);
to kick at fate a se revolta împotriva soartei;
to kick at doing smth. a-i fi scârbă să facă ceva;
he didn't kick nu s-a împotrivit, nu s-a opus, n-a opus rezistenţă, nu s-a lăsat greu.
kick I. verb B. tranzitiv
1. a lovi (pe cineva, ceva) cu piciorul; a da cu piciorul în (cineva, ceva); a împinge (pe cineva, ceva) cu piciorul; (depre animate) a zvârli cu piciorul în (cineva);
to get kicked a fi lovit cu piciorul;
(fam.) to kick a man when he is down a lovi un om fără apărare;
(fam.) he could / have kicked himself for being so shy îi era necaz că e aşa de timid / sfios;
I felt like kicking myself îmi venea să-mi trag palme;
(fam.) to kick smb. upstairs a-i acorda cuiva o nouă onoare / o nouă demnitate (în glumă);
(fam.) to kick the bucket a da ortul popii, a crăpa, a se curăţa;
to kick a goal a marca un gol (la fotbal).
2. to kick about a lovi (ceva) cu piciorul încoace şi încolo;
they were kicking the ball about îşi pasau unul altuia balonul / mingea;
to kick aside a da (ceva) la o parte cu o lovitură de picior;
to kick away a respinge (ceva) cu piciorul;
to kick smb. back a înapoia cuiva o lovitură (de picior);
do him injury and he'll kick back fă-i (vre) un rău şi o să ţi-l întoarcă;
to kick down a doborî / a răsturna (ceva) printr-o lovitură de picior;
to kick in a face să intre (un animal în grajd etc.) prin lovituri de picior;
to kick the door in a sparge uşa cu lovituri de picior;
to kick off one's shoes a-şi azvârli pantofii din picioare;
to kick out a goni / a alunga (pe cineva) cu lovituri de picior;
to kick over a răsturna (o găleată etc.) printr-o lovitură de picior;
to kick up the devil's delight, to kick up a dust / riot / row / shindy a face larmă / scandal / tărăboi / zarvă.
kick II. substantiv
1. lovitură de picior sau de copită;
free kick lovitură liberă (la fotbal);
high kick bătaie din picior (la dans);
(fam.) to get more kicks than ha'pence a primi mai multe jigniri decât foloase; to get the kick a fi dat afară, a fi scos din slujbă.
2. vigoare, energie, putere;
if the horse had any kick in him dacă acest cal ar fi mai sprinten / mai focos;
(fam.) he has no kick left in him e complet doborât, e la pământ, nu mai face două parale;
a drink with a kick in it o băutură tare / care arde; o băutură care te reface / care-ţi dă energie;
I get quite a kick out of skiing practicarea schiului îmi face bine / îmi dă puteri noi;
I don't get much kick out of it nu mă prea interesează, nu-mi spune nimic;
to have a kick against / at smth. a se opune (la; cu dat.) a respinge, a nu-i conveni, a nu-i fi pe plac (ceva).
3. (amer.) plângere, nemulţumire, protest;
you've no kick coming n-ai de ce să te plângi;
I've no kick coming nu mă plâng, nu sunt nemulţumit, n-am nici o nemulţumire.
4. recul (la o armă).
5. zguduitură, hurducătură, zdruncinătură.
6. (mar.) one kick ahead! manevraţi înainte!
7. (la fotbal) a good kick jucător care are şut precis.
8. (tehn.) pornire uşoară a motorului.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
And when he could no longer rise they still continued to beat and kick him where he lay.
(The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)
I set it on my head and it kicked my face.
(Fairy Tales, de The Brothers Grimm)
Ball after ball flew over or fell short or kicked up the sand in the enclosure, but they had to fire so high that the shot fell dead and buried itself in the soft sand.
(Treasure Island, de Robert Louis Stevenson)
Even if you have not kept the good practise, let me tell you that this case of our dear miss is one that may be—mind, I say may be—of such interest to us and others that all the rest may not make him kick the beam, as your peoples say.
(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)
This trend was kicked off last month on December 25 when a new moon solar eclipse occurred in your friendship sector, a house that also covers clubs, groups, and your work to benefit those less fortunate through a group.
(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)
I had not realized there could be so much pain in a kick.
(The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)
Hans takes the calf, puts it on his head, and the calf kicks his face.
(Fairy Tales, de The Brothers Grimm)
They struck him with their fists, kicked him with their heavy shoes, knocked him down, and dragged him to his feet to knock him down again.
(The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)
And still you struggle in my grip. You kick with your legs. Your body draws itself up in knots like a snake’s.
(The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)
Some sailor, he told me, had laid hold of it by his teeth, at the beginning of the fight, and hung on and been dragged to the top of the forecastle ladder, when he was kicked loose.
(The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)