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Traducere în limba română

likelihood substantiv

1. probabilitate;

in all likelihood după toate probabilităţile;

there is no likelihood of success succesul nu e de loc probabil.

2. (înv.) asemănare, asemuire.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

EXAMPLE(S): 60% likelihood that an adverse event was caused by an activity that was performed on the subject.

(Evaluated Activity Relationship Probability, NCI Thesaurus/BRIDG)

In cancer research, it is the likelihood that a person who is free of a certain type of cancer will develop that cancer by a specific age.

(Cumulative risk, NCI Dictionary)

EXAMPLE(S): 60% likelihood that an adverse event was caused by the evaluated result of diabetes.

(Evaluated Result Relationship Probability, NCI Thesaurus/BRIDG)

“When you say you are here, I’d suggest the likelihood of the soul,” I said.

(The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)

A coded value specifying the likelihood of the identified cause of an adverse event.

(Evaluated Activity Relationship Probability Code, NCI Thesaurus)

There is a large likelihood of internal injuries.

(White Fang, de Jack London)

In cancer research, it is usually given as the likelihood that a person who is free of a certain type of cancer will develop or die from that type of cancer during his or her lifetime.

(Lifetime risk, NCI Dictionary)

Most diseases are complex, polygenetic diseases – in other words, no single genetic variant or gene causes the disease, but rather the combination of a number of them act together to increase the likelihood that an individual will develop a particular disease.

(Detailed genetic study provides most comprehensive map of risk to date of breast cancer risk, University of Cambridge)

In further experiments in which frogs could not avoid the fungus, frog immune responses improved with each fungal exposure and infection clearance, significantly reducing fungal growth and increasing the likelihood that the frogs would survive subsequent chytrid infections.

(Amphibians can acquire resistance to deadly fungus, NSF)

This implies that there is a mechanism that filters the mitochondrial DNA when it is being passed down from mother to child, influencing the likelihood that a particular variant becomes established in the human population.

(Interplay between mitochondria and the nucleus may have implications for changing cell’s ‘batteries’, University of Cambridge)