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Traducere în limba română

lingering adjectiv

1. zăbovitor, tărăgănat, încetinitor, zăbavnic.

2. încet, ticăit.

3. (despre o boală) care se prelungeşte.

4. obositor; plictisitor.

5. şovăitor.

6. (despre otrăvuri) lent, care acţionează încet.

7. (fig., despre sunete) care se pierde / se stinge / dispare.

◊ a lingering hope o slabă nădejde;

a lingering look o lungă privire de regret.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

Barkis's death needn't put it off much, but his lingering might.

(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)

When a plunge is to be made into the water, it's of no use lingering on the bank.”

(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)

If you have any lingering thought that I could envy the happiness you will confer; that I could not resign you to a dearer protector, of your own choosing; that I could not, from my removed place, be a contented witness of your joy; dismiss it, for I don't deserve it!

(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)

The cause of the late change in you, which I have seen with so much pain and sorrow, and have sometimes referred to my old apprehension—at other times to lingering suppositions nearer to the truth—has been made clear tonight; and by an accident I have also come to know, tonight, the full measure of your noble trust in me, even under that mistake.

(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)