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Traducere în limba română
lot I. substantiv
1. sorţi; tragere la sorţi;
to draw / cast lots for smth. a trage ceva la sorţi;
drawn by lot from amongst tras la sorts dintre;
(fig.) the lot fell upon me sorţii au căzut pe mine.
2. noroc, soartă, ursită, destin;
to throw / to cast in one's lot with smb. a împărtăşi aceeaşi soartă cu cineva, a-şi lega soarta de aceea a cuiva;
the poor man's lot soarta celui sărac;
3. (fig.) parte;
the rough work fell to his lot lui îi revenea toată corvoada / tot greul;
to fall to smb.'s lot a) a cădea în sarcina / partea cuiva, a reveni cuiva; b) (fig) a-i fi sortit cuiva;
it fell to my lot to am fost eu sortit să, soarta a vrut ca eu să.
4. lot (de pământ), parcelă (de teren);
tiny lots of land mici loturi de pământ.
5. (ec.) cotă, parte (de impozit).
6. (la licitaţie) lot (de obiecte).
7. parte, porţiune;
to buy in lots a cumpăra pe părţi / pe porţiuni;
to buy in one lot a cumpăra în bloc / în întregime.
8. (cin.) studio; teren de filmare.
9. (fam.) grămadă (de oameni), droaie, grup, ceată, bandă, gaşcă; companie, societate;
all the lot of you voi toţi, toată banda (voastră), toată gaşca (voastră);
10. cantitate mare, grămadă, puzderie, mulţime;
a lot of butter mult unt;
a lot of money mult bănet, mulţi bani;
a lot of time mult timp, o groază de timp;
a great lot of people o puzderie / o mulţime de oameni;
I've had such a lot of people today! am avut azi la lume!;
lots of good things o grămadă / o sumedenie / o mulţime de lucruri bune;
I feel lots better mă simt (cu) mult mai bine.
11. (fam.) individ, ins, cetăţean;
he's a bad lot e o puşlama / un stricat / soi rău;
(ironic) you're a nice lot you are! eşti teribil / grozav tu!
lot II. verb A. tranzitiv
(sau to lot out) a împărţi, a fracţiona, în loturi / în parcele, a parcela.
lot II. verb B. intranzitiv
(amer. fam.) to lot upon smb. a se bizui, a conta pe cineva.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
Uranus and Mars will light the flame—lots will happen.
(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)
A nice lot of gazabas you are!
(The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)
I've seen a whole lot of life, an' somehow I've seen a whole lot more of it than most of them that was with me.
(Martin Eden, de Jack London)
Look, for example, at the queer lot of things which he took from Acton’s—what was it?
(The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
Stability data for a clinical lot.
(Clinical Lot, Food and Drug Administration)
Stability data for a developmental lot.
(Development Lot, Food and Drug Administration)
I shall not even feel the change, for last night Dr. Van Helsing slept in his chair a lot of the time.
(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)
"Might be a lot of dog in 'm, for all you can tell. But there's one thing I know sure, an' that there's no gettin' away from."
(White Fang, de Jack London)
Twenty Seven was the knowingest bird of the lot, and had very nearly kept himself safe; but not quite.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
That little lot will do no good, but I expect their search parties are all over the wood.
(The Lost World, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)