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Traducere în limba română
managing I. adjectiv
1. de conducere; director, de direcţie.
2. (despre femei) econom.
3. energic, întreprinzător.
managing II. substantiv, vezi management (1).
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
Instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) are activities related to independent living and include preparing meals, managing money, shopping, doing housework, and using a telephone.
(ADL, NCI Dictionary)
Aripiprazole is used in managing symptoms of schizophrenia and of acute manic and mixed episodes associated with bipolar I disorders.
(Aripiprazole, NCI Thesaurus)
These include following a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, quitting smoking, and managing stress.
(Atherosclerosis, NIH: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute)
Instrumental activities of daily living are activities related to independent living and include preparing meals, managing money, shopping, doing housework, and using a telephone.
(Activities of daily living, NCI Dictionary)
According to the authors, managing nitric oxide could help existing drugs of all types work with fewer side effects.
(Heart Disease Severity May Depend on Nitric Oxide Levels, Editura Global Info)
Mothers certainly have not yet got quite the right way of managing their daughters.
(Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)
Using less costly alternatives such as peritoneal dialysis or comprehensive conservative care – support in managing the disease without dialysis or a transplant – may be preferable in places with limited resources.
(Managing diabetes key to lowering kidney disease, SciDev.Net)
Stimulation of GABA(B) receptor activity, modulation of Glu receptor activity, and inhibition of NMDA receptor activity may be of benefit in managing neuropathic pain.
(Baclofen/amitriptyline/ketamine gel, NCI Thesaurus)
A 16 item ordinal scale that measures a patient's knowledge and experience in managing chronic cancer pain.
(City of Hope Mayday Pain Resource Center Patient Pain Questionnaire, NCI Thesaurus)
It is a critical part of managing your diabetes, because controlling your blood sugar can prevent the complications of diabetes.
(Diabetic Diet, NIH: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases)