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Traducere în limba română

millionth numeral, adjectiv

al milionulea.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

A unit of amount of substance flow rate equivalent to the rate at which one millionth of a mole of substance crosses a given surface or is delivered to a given object or space over a period of time equal to 24 hours.

(Micromole per 24 Hours, NCI Thesaurus)

A unit of mass flow rate equivalent to the rate at which one millionth of a gram of matter crosses a given surface or is delivered to a given object or space over a period of time equal to one hour.

(Microgram per Hour, NCI Thesaurus)

A unit of mass flow rate equivalent to the rate at which one millionth of a gram of matter crosses a given surface or is delivered to a given object or space over a period of time equal to twenty four hours.

(Microgram per Day, NCI Thesaurus)

Microgram per minute is also a dose administration rate unit equal to the rate at which one millionth of a gram of a product is administered per unit of time equal to one minute.

(Microgram per Minute, NCI Thesaurus)

One millionth of a gram.

(Microgram, NCI Dictionary)

Microgram per 24 hours is also a dose administration rate unit equal to the rate at which one millionth of a gram of a product is administered per unit of time equal to twenty four hours.

(Microgram per Day, NCI Thesaurus)

A unit of mass flow rate equivalent to the rate at which one millionth of a gram of matter crosses a given surface or is delivered to a given object or space over a period of time equal to one minute.

(Microgram per Minute, NCI Thesaurus)