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Traducere în limba română
moderate I. adjectiv
1. moderat, reţinut, temperat, stăpânit, cumpătat; sobru (în limbaj, în exprimare);
moderate to drinking cumpătat la băutură.
2. (despre calitate) modest, potrivit, mijlociu, mediocru;
a man of moderate abilities un om cu înzestrări/ posibilităţi modeste/ mediocre.
3. moderat, rezonabil, judicios, cu bun simţ (în ceea ce priveşte părerile, punctele de vedere).
moderate II. substantiv
oportnntst; reformist moderat.
moderate III. verb A. tranzitiv
1. a modera, a potoli, a tempera, a înmuia, a îndulci, a înfrâna, a reţine.
2. a convinge, a face să înţeleagă.
moderate III. verb B. intranzitiv
1. (despre vânt) a se calma, a se potoli.
2. a acţiona ca arbitru sau ca examinator la Cambridge.
3. (înv.) a media.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
Moderate drinking is one drink a day for women or anyone over 65, and two drinks a day for men under 65.
(Alcohol, NIH: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism)
A substance used to treat moderate to severe pain.
(Narcotic, NCI Dictionary)
Non-serious adverse events are classified as mild, moderate and severe.
(Non-serious Adverse Event, NCI Thesaurus)
"And yet two thousand a-year is a very moderate income," said Marianne.
(Sense and Sensibility, de Jane Austen)
How earnestly did she then wish that her former opinions had been more reasonable, her expressions more moderate!
(Pride and Prejudice, de Jane Austen)
I beg, therefore, that you will moderate your demands, and that you will return the letters at the price I indicate, which is, I assure you, the highest that you can get.
(The Return of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
What I ask of you is reasonable and moderate; I demand a creature of another sex, but as hideous as myself; the gratification is small, but it is all that I can receive, and it shall content me.
(Frankenstein, de Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley)
Emma, my love, said Mr. Micawber, clearing his throat in his magnificent way, my friend Mr. Thomas Traddles is so obliging as to solicit, in my ear, that he should have the privilege of ordering the ingredients necessary to the composition of a moderate portion of that Beverage which is peculiarly associated, in our minds, with the Roast Beef of Old England.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
On the BPI, mild pain is defined as a worst pain score of 1 - 4, moderate pain is defined as a worst pain score of 5 - 6, and severe pain is defined as a worst pain score of 7-10.
(Brief Pain Inventory, NCI Thesaurus)
For many people, moderate drinking is probably safe.
(Alcohol, NIH: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism)