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Traducere în limba română
mole¹ substantiv
mole² I. substantiv
(zool.) cârtiţă, sobol (Talpa europaea ş.a.).
mole² II. verb intranzitiv
a săpa / a scormoni sub pământ, a face găuri / galerii (ca o cârtiţă).
mole³ substantiv
(hidr.) dig (de larg); dig portuar; mol; chei; baraj.
mole4 substantiv
(chim.) mol, moleculă-gram.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
Come, nephew, we’re half-way when we cross the mole at Kimberham Bridge, and we’ve done it in two hours and fourteen minutes.
(Rodney Stone, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
Minutes times moles per liter, divided by kilograms.
(Minute Times Mole Per Liter Per Kilogram, NCI Thesaurus)
Minutes times moles per liter, divided by grams.
(Minute Times Mole Per Liter Per Gram, NCI Thesaurus)
Minutes times moles per liter (area under the curve).
(Minute Times Millimole per Milliliter, NCI Thesaurus/CDISC)
Minutes times moles per liter (area under the curve), divided by grams (dose or weight).
(Minute Times Mole Per Liter Per Gram, NCI Thesaurus/CDISC)
Melanoma may also appear as a new mole.
(Melanoma, NIH: National Cancer Institute)
The man with the mole upon his cheek is the Lord Pommers, and his two brothers stand behind him, with the Lord Lesparre, Lord de Rosem, Lord de Mucident, Sir Perducas d'Albret, the Souldich de la Trane, and others.
(The White Company, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
Days times moles per milliliter.
(Day Times Mole per Milliliter, NCI Thesaurus)
A unit of amount of substance flow rate equivalent to the rate at which one millionth of a mole of substance crosses a given surface or is delivered to a given object or space over a period of time equal to 24 hours.
(Micromole per 24 Hours, NCI Thesaurus)
Also called atypical mole.
(Dysplastic nevus, NCI Dictionary)