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Traducere în limba română
much I. adverb
1. mult;
how much? cât de mult? cât?;
how much is it? cât costă?;
it doesn't matter much nu face / nu valorează mare lucru;
she has suffered much a suferit mult;
it much exceeds my expectations întrece cu mult aşteptările mele;
I enjoyed it very much mi-a făcut mare plăcere; mi-a plăcut (foarte) mult;
much to my surprise spre marea mea surprindere;
I did not know she was so much respected nu ştiam că e atât de respectată;
he has drunk very much a băut foarte mult;
a subject much talked of un subiect mult discutat;
(fam.) he is much married e / stă sub papuc;
too much prea mult;
this dress costs too much aceastil rochie costă prea mult;
much too much mult prea mult;
by much cu mult;
much better mult mai bine; mult mai bun;
thank you very much for mulţumesc foarte mult pentru.
2. atât, la fel;
as much tocmai aşa; atâta, pe atât; la fel;
I thought as much tocmai aşa credeam şi eu;
as much again / more încă odată pe atât;
give me twice as much dă-mi de două ori pe atât;
(fam.) I expected as much m-am aşteptat la asta;
as much as atât cât;
as much as possible atât cât e posibil;
he does not love me as much as her nu ţine la mine ca la ea, nu mă iubeşte atât cât pe ea;
so much the better cu atât mai bine;
so much the worse cu atât mai rău;
so much the more cu atât mai mult;
so much the less cu atât mai puţin;
as much as to say ca şi cum am spune;
he looked at me as much as to say m-a privit având aerul că ar vrea să spună;
to be too much for smb. a nu se putea măsura cu cineva, a fi mai puternic decât cineva;
nothing much nimic extraordinar;
not so much as nici măcar;
I would not so much as raise a finger to help them nu voi ridica / nu voi mişca nici un deget măcar pentru a-i ajuta;
she went away without so much as saying good-bye a plecat fără a spune măcar la revedere;
(fam.) not much puţin;
(fam.) so much for that destul (cu asta), ajunge, s-a terminat (cu asta);
so much so aşa / atât de mult, până acolo;
so much for the present ajunge/ destul pentru moment;
so much for his friendship! iată ce numeşte el prietenie!;
very much so negreşit, chiar aşa;
(sl.) not so much of it! destul! tacă-ţi gura! ajunge!
3. foarte;
much pleased foarte mulţumit, încântat;
ever so much more intelligent foarte inteligent, extrem de inteligent.
4. aproape, cam, aproximativ;
much of a muchness, (fam.) much the same much, much about the same, pretty much the same thing cam la fel, cam / aproape acela lucru.
much II. adjectiv nehot. mult; mare;
much care multă grijă;
much time mult timp;
much ado about nothing mult zgomot pentru nimic;
(prov.) much cry and little wool vorbă multă / lungă, sărăcia omului, vorbă multă, treabă puţină;
much water has flown under the bridge since that time multă apă a curs pe gârlă de atunci;
(ironic) much good may it do you? halal!;
how much sugar! cât zahăr?;
how much time do you need? cât timp îi trebuie?;
however much money you spend oricât de mulţi bani ai cheltui;
too much milk prea mult lapte.
much III. pronume nehot., substantiv
1. mult, cantitate mare; sumă mare; parte mare; (o) bună parte;
much still remains to be done mai rămâne încă mult de făcut;
there is much to be said for this subject e mult de spus în legătură cu acest subiect;
much of the paper is damaged o bună parte din hârtie e stricată;
the total does not amount to much totalul nu se ridică la o sumă mare;
it leaves much to be desired lasă mult de dorit;
this / that much atât de mult; (pe) atât;
I will say this much for you voi spune aceasta / atâta în favoarea ta;
(fam.) to take too much a trage la măsea mat mult decât se cade, a se îmbăta;
to take too much for granted a) a-şi permite prea mult; b) a fi mult prea înfumurat;
(prov.) too much is as bad as none at all ce e mult nu e bun;
(fam.) that's too much of a good thing (asta) întrece orice limită / măsură;
do you see much of one another? vă vedeţi adesea?
2. importanţă, valoare (mare);
(fam.) it is not up to much nu face / nu valorează mare lucru;
to make much of a) a face mare caz de, a pune mare preţ pe; a da o mare atenţie / importanţă (cu dat.); b) a alinta, a răsfăţa, a dezmierda;
this novelist has been made too much of acest romancier a fost prea mult lăudat, acestui romancier i s-a dat prea mare importanţă;
to set much by a acorda / da mare importanţă (cu dat.), a pune mare preţ pe;
there's not much to look at nu ai la ce să te uiţi;
there is not much in him n-are nimic remarcabil / extraordinar în el; n-are stofă în el;
(fam.) he is not much of a scholar nu s-ar putea spune că e un savant;
he is not much of a father nu prea e un tată model;
not much of a dinner un prânz sărac;
to have much to be thankful for a avea motiv /a avea pentru ce să fie recunoscător pentru;
to think much of oneself a se crede, a-şi da prea mare importanţă, a avea o părere foarte bună despre sine.
much IV. verb tr. (amer. dial.)
1. a face mai mult din, a spori, a mări, a înmulţi.
2. a linguşi, a flata.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
But the little old woman walked up to Dorothy, made a low bow and said, in a sweet voice: You are welcome, most noble Sorceress, to the land of the Munchkins.
(The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, de L. Frank Baum)
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(The White Company, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
She wanted her to be more known.
(Persuasion, de Jane Austen)
Have not I the most reason to complain, when I see these very Yahoos carried by Houyhnhnms in a vehicle, as if they were brutes, and those the rational creatures?
(Gulliver's Travels into several remote nations of the world, de Jonathan Swift)
“Your Majesty has something which I should value even more highly,” said Holmes.
(The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
Later,—how much later I have no knowledge,—I came to myself with a start of fear.
(The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)
"I know no more than the dead where even to look for them."
(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)
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(His Last Bow, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)