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Traducere în limba română
muskeg substantiv (în Canada)
1. teren mlăştinos.
2. turbărie.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
He was compelled to pause for frequent rests, when he attacked the muskeg berries and rush-grass patches.
(Love of Life and Other Stories, de Jack London)
It was because it refused to die that he still ate muskeg berries and minnows, drank his hot water, and kept a wary eye on the sick wolf.
(Love of Life and Other Stories, de Jack London)
He felt his way through the wet snow to the watery muskeg berries, and went by feel as he pulled up the rush-grass by the roots.
(Love of Life and Other Stories, de Jack London)
He bore away to the left, stopping now and again to eat muskeg berries.
(Love of Life and Other Stories, de Jack London)
A muskeg berry is a bit of seed enclosed in a bit of water.
(Love of Life and Other Stories, de Jack London)
He picked his way from muskeg to muskeg, and followed the other man's footsteps along and across the rocky ledges which thrust like islets through the sea of moss.
(Love of Life and Other Stories, de Jack London)
Often he stooped and picked pale muskeg berries, put them into his mouth, and chewed and swallowed them.
(Love of Life and Other Stories, de Jack London)
The muskeg berries did not allay this gnawing, while they made his tongue and the roof of his mouth sore with their irritating bite.
(Love of Life and Other Stories, de Jack London)