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Traducere în limba română

nice adjectiv

1. (fam.) plăcut, simpatic, agreabil, drăguţ, amabil (şi ironic);

a nice boy un băiat simpatic;

nice weather vreme frumoasă;

a nice home o locuinţă plăcută;

how nice of you ce drăguţ din partea ta;

to be nice to smb. a se arăta amabil / binevoitor faţă de cineva;

it's not nice of you to say such things nu e frumos din partea ta să spui astfel de lucruri;

(ironic) you're a nice fellow / one to talk like that frumos mai ştii să vorbeşti!;

a nice little sum o sumă frumuşică;

it's not nice to be poor nu e plăcut să fii sărac.

2. (despre persoane) dificil, delicat, exigent; scrupulos, meticulos; plin de mofturi;

to be nice about smth. a fi exigent în legătură cu ceva;

to be nice about one's food a fi mofturos la mâncare;

don't be too nice about it nu-ţi face prea multe scrupule în această chestiune.

3. fin, delicat; subtil;

a nice observer un observator subtil / pătrunzător;

a nice question o problemă delicată.

4. sensibil; precis; pătrunzător;

nice ear a) ureche muzicală; b) ureche fină / foarte sensibilă;

nice scales cântar de mare precizie;

nice eyes ochi foarte buni.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

Good company requires only birth, education, and manners, and with regard to education is not very nice.

(Persuasion, de Jane Austen)

You've hurt that nice young man.

(The Lost World, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

“I am sure,” cried Catherine, “I did not mean to say anything wrong; but it is a nice book, and why should not I call it so?”

(Northanger Abbey, de Jane Austen)

It might be if it was kept nice, but the maids are lazy, and I don't know how to make them mind.

(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)

A nice lot of gazabas you are!

(The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)

““It is not meet,”” said Mr. Micawber, rising, ““that every nice offence should bear its comment!”

(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)

It was so nice to be able to tell you and to have your sympathy.

(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)

“Well, you're a nice one, to be sure.”

(Treasure Island, de Robert Louis Stevenson)

“I advise Mr. Darcy, and Lizzy, and Kitty,” said Mrs. Bennet, “to walk to Oakham Mount this morning. It is a nice long walk, and Mr. Darcy has never seen the view.”

(Pride and Prejudice, de Jane Austen)

We are growing a little too nice.

(Emma, de Jane Austen)