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Traducere în limba română
offer I. substantiv
1. ofertă; propunere;
to make an offer of smth. to smb. a oferi ceva cuiva;
to close with an offer a accepta / a primi o ofertă;
this is the best offer I can make este tot ceea ce vă pot oferi; (fam.) e ultimul meu cuvânt.
2. (ec.) ofertă;
on offer de vânzare;
wool on offer lână de vânzare;
offers and demand cerere şi ofertă.
3. propunere; cerere în căsătorie;
verbal offer propunere verbală;
offer of marriage cerere în căsătorie;
to decline an offer a respinge / a refuza o cerere în căsătorie.
4. (înv.) (at) tentativă, încercare, sforţare (de).
5. (bis.) ofrandă, jertfă, prinos.
offer II. verb A. tranzitiv
1. a oferi, a da; a prezenta; (to) a fi dispus, a fi gata (să);
to offer smb. smth. offer a oferi ceva cuiva;
to offer one's services to smb. a-şi oferi serviciile cuiva;
to offer to do smth. a se oferi să facă ceva;
I was offered a job mi s-a oferit o slujbă;
to offer one's lips for a kiss a întinde buzele pentru un sărut;
to offer a free pardon a făgădui iertare deplină;
to offer an apology a cere iertare, a se scuza;
to offer an opinion a-şi da / a-şi arăta părerea, a-şi spune punctul de vedere;
to offer a remark a face o observaţie / o remarcă;
to offer a battle a da o luptă;
to offer to fight smb. a provoca la luptă pe cineva; a înfrunta (pe cineva); a sfida (pe cineva);
to offer one's hand a) a întinde mâna; b) a cere în căsătorie;
the fireworks offered a fine spectacle artificiile au oferit / prilejuit un spectacol frumos;
this plan offers great difficulties acest plan prezintă greutăţi mari;
(com.) to offer goods for sale a scoate / a expune mărfuri spre vânzare.
2. a căuta, a încerca; a îndrăzni, a cuteza;
to offer to strike smb. a încerca / a căuta să lovească pe cineva, a ridica mâna asupra cuiva;
to offer resistance a opune rezistenţă.
3. a insulta, a ofensa, a ocărî, a înjura.
4. a constrânge, a sili;
to offer violence to smb. a constrânge / a sili pe cineva (prin violenţă).
5. a propune;
to offer a definition a propune o definiţie.
6. a aduce (o jertfă, un prinos), a oferi;
to offer (up) a sacrifica, a aduce o jertfă.
7. a înălţa (rugăciuni).
offer II. verb B. (refl.)
to offer oneself a se oferi.
offer II. verb C. intranzitiv
a se oferi, a se ivi, a se prezenta, a se arăta;
as chance / opportunity offers după cum va fi cazul, după cum se prezintă ocazia / situaţia;
if more passengers offered dacă s-ar prezenta mai mulţi pasageri.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
It is a thing of course among us, that every man is refused, till he offers.
(Persuasion, de Jane Austen)
Such was the permission upon which he had now offered her his hand.
(Northanger Abbey, de Jane Austen)
Here was the best the books had to offer coming true.
(Martin Eden, de Jack London)
"You may look at it," replied the girl, offering me the book.
(Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)
No pain, no injury, however, was designed by him to his cousin in this offer: she was not to lose a day's exercise by it.
(Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)
They had stopped at Mrs. Bates's door to offer the use of their carriage, but the aunt and niece were to be brought by the Eltons.
(Emma, de Jane Austen)
Have fun this month—see what the world has to offer you.
(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)
When we had got so far, Mr. Spenlow offered to take me into Court then and there, and show me what sort of place it was.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
This was the thing I had set my mind upon doing, but the opportunity never offered.
(The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)
When the offer was first made, I little thought the turn which events might take.
(The Return of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)