Dicţionar englez-român


Traducere în limba română

pain killer substantiv

sedativ, calmant, analgezic.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

A drug used to relieve certain side effects caused by treatment with opiods (pain killers similar to morphine), such as constipation (hard, dry stools), itching, and low urine flow.

(Methylnaltrexone bromide, NCI Dictionary)

The active ingredient in a drug used to relieve certain side effects caused by treatment with opiods (pain killers similar to morphine), such as constipation (hard, dry stools), itching, and low urine flow.

(Methylnaltrexone, NCI Dictionary)

Menthol causes a cooling sensation when eaten or put on the skin and it acts as a mild pain killer.

(Menthol, NCI Dictionary)

In addition, as an inhibitor of enkephalinase, which metabolizes endorphins, D-phenylalanine may be used to treat chronic pain through blocking the break down of endorphins (natural pain killers).

(D-Phenylalanine, NCI Thesaurus)