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Traducere în limba română

paragraph I. substantiv

1. paragraf, alineat;

to begin a new/ a fresh paragraph a începe de la capăt.

2. (poligr.) alineat (semn care indică un nou paragraf).

3. articol scurt, articolaş, notiţă (în ziar).

paragraph II. verb tranzitiv

1. a împărţi în paragrafe.

2. a publica într-un ziar un articol scurt despre.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

That newspaper paragraph he had read so long ago had been true, after all.

(Martin Eden, de Jack London)

Only two days before the wedding, there was a paragraph in the Morning Post to say that it was all off.

(The Return of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

He broke off from it long enough to write a paragraph in his note-book.

(Martin Eden, de Jack London)

This would be the last paragraph in "Overdue"; but so thoroughly was the whole book already composed in his brain that he could write, weeks before he had arrived at the end, the end itself.

(Martin Eden, de Jack London)