Dicţionar englez-român |
Traducere în limba română
patera, plural paterae substantiv (arhit.)
1. pateră, rozetă.
2. ornament rotund (ca o farfurie).
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
Observations also showed that the overturning was initiated at different times on the two sides of the cool island at the center of the patera, hinting at complex geological process beneath the surface.
(Massive Lava Waves Detected on Solar System’s Most Volcanically Active Object, Editura Global Info)
The researchers compiled a two-dimensional thermal map showing the temperature distribution along the patera, and at a resolution better than 6.25 miles (10 km).
(Massive Lava Waves Detected on Solar System’s Most Volcanically Active Object, Editura Global Info)