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Perseids substantiv

plural (astron.) the Perseids Perseidele.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

Experts expect the shower to peak overnight Saturday into Sunday, though the Perseids could be a bit harder to see this year with the moon nearly full.

(Perseid Meteor Shower Provides Opening Act for Solar Eclipse, VOA News)

The Perseids are named after the Perseus constellation, as that is where they appear to originate from in the northeastern night sky.

(Perseid Meteor Shower Provides Opening Act for Solar Eclipse, VOA News)

While the Perseids likely will draw large crowds of spectators around the world, those based in the United States will have the chance to see an even bigger astronomical event next week when the U.S. will witness the first total solar eclipse across the country in almost 100 years.

(Perseid Meteor Shower Provides Opening Act for Solar Eclipse, VOA News)