Dicţionar englez-român |
Traducere în limba română
pin-point I. substantiv
vârful boltei.
pin-point II. adjectiv
(mil.) exact, bine ochit.
pin-point III. verb tranzitiv
(mil.) to pin-point a target a calcula exact poziţia ţintei, a ochi exact.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
“That?” returned Silver, smiling away, but warier than ever, his eye a mere pin-point in his big face, but gleaming like a crumb of glass.
(Treasure Island, de Robert Louis Stevenson)
I can see him now, with yellow, pasty face, drooping lids, and pin-point pupils, all huddled in a chair, the wreck and ruin of a noble man.
(The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)