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positron substantiv

(fiz.) pozitron; electron pozitiv.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

A radioconjugate consisting of a lipophilic, bioreductive copper(II)bis(thiosemicarbazone) complex, copper-pyruvaldehyde-bis(N4-methylthiosemicarbazone) (Cu-PTSM), linked to the beta-emitting, radioisotope copper Cu 62, with potential perfusion and positron emitting tomography (PET) tumor imaging activities.

(Copper Cu 62-PTSM, NCI Thesaurus)

Today, researchers in the field must detect brown fat activation by injecting volunteers with tiny amounts of radioactive glucose and scanning them via positron emission tomography (PET), which is a difficult and expensive method.

(Giving Brown Fat A Green Light, Editura Global Info)

A radioimmunoconjugate containing rituximab, a recombinant chimeric murine/human antibody directed against the human CD20 antigen, conjugated with the bifunctional, macrocyclic chelating agent tetra-azacyclododecanetetra-acetic acid (DOTA) and labeled with the radioisotope copper Cu 64 with potential diagnostic properties upon positron emission tomography (PET) imaging.

(Copper Cu 64-DOTA-Rituximab, NCI Thesaurus)

A radioimmunoconjugate of the fully human monoclonal antibody against the third member of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), HER3 or ERBB3, conjugated with the bifunctional, macrocyclic chelating agent tetra-azacyclododecanetetra-acetic acid (DOTA) and labeled with radioisotope copper Cu 64, with potential diagnostic properties upon positron emission tomography (PET) imaging and antineoplastic activity.

(Copper Cu 64-DOTA-Anti-HER3 Monoclonal Antibody U3-1287, NCI Thesaurus)

An electron or positron.

(Beta Particle, NCI Thesaurus)