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Traducere în limba română

print I. substantiv

1. urmă, amprentă; dâră;

(cinegetică) print of a fox urmă de vulpe;

print of a step urmă de pas;

print of a wheel urmă de roată.

2. tipărire; tipar;

the book is in print cartea a apărut; cartea se găseşte de vânzare;

out of print epuizat;

(sl.) to be out of print a fi mort;

to come out / to appear in print a fi tipărit;

to put into print a da la tipar.

3. caractere, litere de tipar;

small print caractere mici;

large print caractere mari.

4. ziar, jurnal, gazetă; presă; imprimate;

weekly prints hebdomadare, publicaţiuni săptămânale;

daily prints ziare/ gazete cu apariţie zilnică;

to put into the public prints a insera în ziare.

5. model, formă.

6. ştampilă; matriţă; presă.

7. gravură; litografie; stampă.

8. (fot.) fotografie, pozitiv;

blue-print paper hârtie heliografică.

9. (text.) ţesătură imprimată; rochie din ţesătură imprimată.

10. scriere gotică.

11. (metal.) pat (pentru turnarea metalului topit).

12. (fam. fig.) exactitate, punctualitate.

◊ in print a) exact ca din carte; b) graţios, drăgălaş;

to set one's clothes in print a umbla drăguţ îmbrăcat;

to speak in print a vorbi ca din carte.

print II. verb A. tranzitiv

1. a tipări, a imprima;

to print full of monks/ blots a tipări murdar, a mânji la tipărire;

to print in italics a tipări în italice.

2. (on) a întipări (pe); (in) a imprima (în); a însemna, a ştampila.

3. a face o impresiune în;

to print butter a face o formă în unt.

4. a publica, a edita.

5. (fig.) a întipări (în minte).

6. a scrie cu litere de tipar.

7. (fot.) a copia, a scoate un pozitiv de pe.

8. (text.) a imprima (pânzeturi).

print II. verb B. intranzitiv

1. a se ocupa cu tipografia, a practica arta tipografică.

2. a fi tipărit / publicat.

3. a scrie litere de tipar (cu mâna).

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

Those are as clear as print, said he, but the writing in between is very bad, and there are three places where I cannot read it at all.

(The Return of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

I held the little printed slip to the light.

(The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

“Get it printed as soon as possible,” he said; “I think your idea is an excellent one.”

(The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

He would not tell Ruth anything about it, and she would be surprised and pleased when she saw his name in print.

(Martin Eden, de Jack London)

The mysterious one could understand English, even if he could not print it.

(His Last Bow, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

Ye can, with your young eyes, read the small-print of the lies from here.

(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)

"Miss Josephine March," actually printed in the paper.

(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)

You, Miss Dashwood, would give a general commission for every new print of merit to be sent you—and as for Marianne, I know her greatness of soul, there would not be music enough in London to content her.

(Sense and Sensibility, de Jane Austen)

The lead salts used to make them are much more abundant and cheaper to produce than crystalline silicon, and they can be prepared in a liquid ink that is simply printed to produce a film of the material.

(‘Messy’ production of perovskite material increases solar cell efficiency, University of Cambridge)

Final printed labeling.

(Correspondence, Food and Drug Administration)