Dicţionar englez-român


Pronunție (USA): Play  (GB): Play

Traducere în limba română

production substantiv

1. producere, fabricare, producţie (de mărfuri etc.); proces de producţie, prelucrare, extragere;

belt system of production producţie în bandă rulantă;

cost of production costul producţiei;

lot production producţie în serie;

piece / serial production producţie individuală;

mass production producţie în masă;

process of production proces de producţie;

relations of production relaţii de producţie;

surplus production supraproducţie;

weekly production producţie săptămânală.

2. generare, producere (a unui zgomot, a unei senzaţii, a unui efect).

3. formare.

4. (tehn.) presiune, debit (al unei sonde etc.).

5. prezentare, arătare (a unor documente etc.).

6. producţie (literară, cinematografică etc.).

7. (teatru) punere în scenă, reprezentare (a unei piese de teatru).

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

But the production of the photograph had a remarkable effect upon the manager.

(The Return of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

I enlarged myself much on these, and many other particulars to the same purpose; but his honour was still to seek; for he went upon a supposition, that all animals had a title to their share in the productions of the earth, and especially those who presided over the rest.

(Gulliver's Travels into several remote nations of the world, de Jonathan Swift)

Upon transfection of salivary glands, adenovirus encoding human aquaporin-1 (AdhAQP1) directs human aquaporin-1 (hAQP1) expression in the apical and basolateral plasma membranes of salivary secretory cells, which may result in increased saliva production. hAQP1, a water channel protein, is one of several highly conserved water channel proteins that mediate water permeability in cells of water-transporting tissues.

(Adenovirus Encoding Human Aquaporin-1, NCI Thesaurus)