Dicţionar englez-român


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Traducere în limba română

prominent substantiv

1. ieşit în afară, proeminent, pronunţat;

prominent cheek-bones pomeţi ieşiţi în afară;

prominent nose nas proeminent;

prominent features trăsături pronunţate;

to be prominent a reieşi.

2. proeminent, marcant, de seamă, de vază;

to hold a very prominent position a ocupa o poziţie foarte marcantă;

to play / to take a prominent part in smth. a juca un rol important în ceva.

3. convex; în relief.

 Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

A pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma characterized by poor differentiation and a prominent syncytial growth pattern.

(Pancreatic Medullary Carcinoma, NCI Thesaurus)

The distinguishing qualities or prominent aspects of an individual person.

(Personal Attribute, NCI Thesaurus)

Besides, it’s not in a very prominent place, as you see.

(The Return of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

As this is the most prominent, and some say the most attractive table of all, and they are the chief getters-up of the fair, it is thought best for them to take this place.

(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)

The dread of such a failure after all became the prominent uneasiness; and when Harriet appeared, and in very good spirits, and without having any such reason to give for her long absence, she felt a satisfaction which settled her with her own mind, and convinced her, that let Mr. Knightley think or say what he would, she had done nothing which woman's friendship and woman's feelings would not justify.

(Emma, de Jane Austen)

A WHO grade II meningioma characterized by the presence of an increased mitotic activity or at least three of the following morphologic features: small cells, high cellularity, prominent nucleoli, lack of architectural pattern, and necrosis.

(Atypical Meningioma, NCI Thesaurus)