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protective coating substantiv
(tehn.) acoperire de protecţie, strat protector.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
Biofilms occur when bacteria attach to surfaces and develop a film or protective coating, making them relatively resistant to antibiotics.
(Clay fights MRSA, other 'superbugs' in wounds, National Science Foundation)
Sucralfate, an anti-ulcer agent, can be added to the mouthwash to form a protective coating over the lesion areas by binding to the proteins at the inflamed mucous lining.
(Magic Mouthwash, NCI Thesaurus)
The disease starts when the immune system attacks myelin, a protective coating that forms around nerve cells in a person’s brain and spinal cord, to produce a variety of initial symptoms, including blurred or double vision, problems with muscle strength, balance and coordination, and abnormal sensations.
(Smoldering spots in the brain may signal severe multiple sclerosis, National Institutes of Health)